Our Team
We’re very proud of the diversity of our team, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. Find out more about some of our leaders and volunteers below.
Tracy Frisch
I called the founding meeting for a clean air group in March 2019 because I believe that people working together and building power can force polluters and their government enablers to stop destroying our air, water, soil and ecosystems. In December 2011, I was involved in the movement to stop Lehigh Cement from getting a DEC air permit to burn a paper and plastic mixture called EnviroCubes. I was invited to serve on the Community Advisory Panel.
My past advocacy and organizing background includes co-founding and directing the NY Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (1990-95), and the Regional Farm & Food Project, which promoted sustainable agriculture through farmer-to-farmer education and local food activities (1996-2004). I was instrumental in starting the Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market, now in its 21st year. In 1988 when as a grad student, I formed a group that in three months persuaded Cornell University to institutionalize recycling, which previously Cornell had left to undergrad volunteers and the whims of a local scrapyard.
I moved to Argyle in 2005 where I live in the small passive solar, energy-efficient house that I built with the help of friends and a few contractors. I make my living as an independent journalist. I am also an avid organic vegetable gardener. I hold a BA from Sarah Lawrence College, served as a VISTA volunteer in the coalfields of southern West Virginia, and earned an M.S. in Entomology from Cornell. I became a board member of the National Recycling Coalition in May 2022. I also serve on the public policy committee of Zero Waste Capital District and on the Environment Committee of Honest Weight Food Coop in Albany.