You live in Moreau

Template public comment for residents of Moreau who live in this census tract (36091060102) [not designated by state as disadvantaged]
· “My name is ___. I live in Moreau.”
Consider talking about your community’s preexisting Health Burdens, for example:
· “My community already experiences very high health burdens.”
· “For example, my community experiences very high rates of an inflammatory lung disease known as COPD.”
· “Our Census Tract’s average annual age-adjusted emergency department visits for COPD are higher than those in 75% of all Tracts in the state.”
· “A higher percentage of people in our census tract lack health insurance than in most census Tracts throughout the state.”
Consider talking about your community’s preexisting Pollution Burdens, for example:
· “My community is also subject to significant pollution burdens.”
· “The State’s Disadvantaged Communities map puts us in the 91st percentile for proximity to Regulated Management Sites.”
· “In other words, our risk of experiencing a potential chemical accident is already way too high.”
Consider talking about how DEC should be decreasing pollution in and around Moreau, not licensing it:
· “DEC should be working to reduce health burdens in my community by reducing the cumulative pollution we are exposed to.”
· “Instead, the agency is unconscionably considering putting our health at further risk by allowing a corporation to further pollute our environment”
· “Moreau is also adjacent to state designated disadvantaged communities to its east and west, with very high health and pollution burdens.”
· “Of all the places in the world to build this facility, why is Saratoga Biochar choosing a location so close to already struggling communities?”
Consider discussing some air pollution concerns, for example:
· “Modeling in Saratoga Biochar’s Air Permit Application indicates that the Saratoga Biochar Facility will release numerous co-pollutants into our community.”
· “For example, maps in the application show Naphthalene emissions reaching Moreau.”
· “EPA says ‘exposure of humans to naphthalene by inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact is associated with hemolytic anemia, damage to the liver, and neurological damage.’”
· “Among other pollutant emissions, the maps indicate that PFOA and mercury will reach our community, which is particularly concerning as these substances accumulate in the environment over time.”
· “EPA says ‘[c]hildren exposed to methylmercury while they are in the womb can have impacts to their cognitive thinking, memory, attention, language, fine motor skills, and visual spatial skills.’”
· “Of PFOA, EPA says ‘Human studies have found associations between PFOA and/or PFOS exposure and several types of health effects including the liver, the immune system, the cardiovascular system, human development (e.g., decreased birth weight), and cancer.’”
· The permit materials also lack sufficient air emissions testing procedures. Tests are far too infrequent. (The DEC draft air permit requires testing once every 5 years.)
NOTE: [If you want to raise doubts about the usefulness of Biochar Product, see Appendix]
Also consider talking about your right to a healthful environment:
· “In addition, under Article 1 section 19 of the New York State Constitution, I have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.”
Consider closing by reiterating your concerns about your community’s health burdens:
· “Why should we continue to deal with higher adverse health burdens than most New Yorkers?”
· “Does DEC think our community is expendable?”
Need help?
If you have questions or can volunteer, please email me at or call me at 518-692-8242 landline before Tuesday.
We need a few more people to help out at the Urgent Meetings. Thank you! Together we will win!
Tracy Frisch for Clean Air Action Network of Glens Falls